Where to get mudlet
Where to get mudlet

where to get mudlet

Highlight triggers are simple but helpful.

where to get mudlet

Highlight triggers, sound triggers, and actual scripty do-stuff triggers. Triggers: There are three types of triggers that you really want to know about. Alternatively, put it on a button or a key! Options. Useful things for you to alias might look something like.Īssuming your room is situated north, you enter in the password, press enter, and then go north all in two keystrokes. Therefore 'ec X' typed into the command line will cause the client to send 'run ec on X.' ^ and $ are semicolon-compatible, so 'enter ec north n' would still cause the alias to fire. But (.+) corresponds with (matches) and it works even if we don't know why it works or what it means. What does it do? What does it mean? I don't know. If I took out the ^ and $ on the invis alias and typed 'say I really like being invisible,' that entire line would be replaced with 'run invis.' If you don't care how it works, just start all aliases with ^ and end them with $.īack to echo: there's a (.+) in there. Without these, the alias would fire off every single time invis or ec showed up inside the command you entered, and it drops the rest of the command. ^ denotes an alias begins on the first line. You'll notice invis uses the same, familiar filled command bar as the buttons and keys, but what's this?! Uh-oh, a script. Because I haven't felt a need to play around with them yet, and you can do plenty of scripting without them.Īliases: when you enter in an alias, the client substitutes the alias with the command (and-or script) you've attached to the alias. Scripts and timers are also beyond the reach of this tutorial. Your buttons will probably look something like this: Sadly, you need real scripting effort and graphical assets to make these not look like shit. Group lets you select where you want your bar to go: on the left, right, top of your screen, or as a freefloating. Make sure to click 'Add group' to create a toolbar for your buttons, and then add item the buttons into the bar. The big space underneath is for lua scripts.īuttons: They're like keys that you can click, or aliases that you can trigger by clicking instead of typing. Also, I hope it doesn't need saying but you enter the command you want to correspond with the key into the 'command' portion. It's not recommended to put letters on buttons because you need them to type words. Keep in mind ctrl+numpad and shift+numpad and the like also work, so you could do a numpad for Daleks, and set ctrl-numpad to your walks.

where to get mudlet

You could slap it onto your numpad for easy directional movement. Keys let you tie in a command to a specific keyboard key, and they are also extraordinarily simple. The real meat of this tutorial is going to be triggers and aliases, but we're going to start with KEYS. Variables goes beyond the scope of this tut, and the connect button is included just to look pretty. But if you choose to use this knowledge for evil and a wizard explodes you, that's on you. Hopefully, you'll use this guide to cut tedium so you can have an easier, more enjoyable experience. There's no harm in staving off carpal tunnel, but an alias to immediately chug the eight different combat drugs you need to shank someone is bad form. As I understand it, scripting on CS is tentatively allowed as long as you don't use it to gain an advantage over another player (like in combat).

Where to get mudlet