Cog toontown
Cog toontown

cog toontown

Upon success, toons received the following message from the Toon Resistance. If toons messed up the order, they received the following message: Through brute force, the following order was determined. Toons noticed that the marked gags corresponded to the gag icons found on the barrels inside the Sellbot HQ Factory. The short link contained the following image. It was left by A.S., who seems to be the main actor behind the ARG. The message contained the following short link: Our Cold Callers will be in touch whenever is least convenient.

cog toontown

Plus, both sides will cease their qualms with one another. In return, the Toons will be introduced to new forms of conducting business, improving your oh-so-silly society. You'll go ahead and hand over select Toontown assets to Cogs, Incorporated, whose legal department will promptly seize them. We know that the jargon of contracts can be quite the handful for you Toon types, so we'll go ahead and sum it up for you in clear words: All that remains now is for the final handshake, Toontown's written signature agreeing to our terms of truce. We've been stricken glad by the support this proposal has received up and down the corporate ladder of Cogs, Incorporated. We could handily come to a compromise between Cogs and Toons, but what we need is your cooperation. See this as us handing you the proverbial olive branch, Toons. Today, we offer you a chance to end these heavy-handed tactics taken in the streets of Toontown every day. Shifting the message by 15 gave the following message. The image above contained a message crypted using Caesar Cipher. The ARG started with a blog post containing an image.

Cog toontown